An exciting adventure to the Isle Of Wight...

At 7 am we set off... after promptly making our way to the Needles. We boarded the boat (The QEE2 hahaha), at the Yacht haven marines and headed across the Solent to Scratchell's Bay
With the weather so beautiful and sunny, it was the perfect morning for a boat ride and sea swim, but not so perfect for our cookies.
Manns Cookies struggled to make it through the scorching heat as the delicious toppings where melting, meaning we needed to eat them quickly, but not before a dip in the sea and a few photos.

After a refreshing swim, our models (Ella and Freya) were hungry and ready for some good cookies, as you can see they went down a treat!
Whilst this weather is so great, why travel abroad when you can enjoy England!
Stay safe stay local!
... talking about locals... don't forget to nominate your local hero for our Giveaway!
Nominate your local hero and they may receive a fresh cut bouquet of Kemlo and Kemlo flowers and a Box of 6 Manns Cookies.