Happy Friday Cookie Lovers!
I would just like to remind you that there is...
3 Days
Until you can eat cookies in the park with one of your besties
24 Days
Until you can eat cookies in the park with 5 of your besties
73 Days
Until you can eat cookies indoors with 5 of your besties
108 Days
Until you can eat cookies ANYWHERE with all of your besties
And by Cookies, I mean Mann’s Cookies obviously.
So, I’ve just established COVID-19 is coming to an end. This means that our notorious RUDE BOX needs an update.

We are inviting you to think up the next bit of naughtiness.
Go to our Instagram account @mannscookies and comment your ideas in our latest post.
REMEMBER – Each cookie can have no more three chocolate letters on top (that’s 12 characters). Above is an Image of Rude Box 2.0 and Below is the Original Rude Box to point you in the right direction.
The winner will receive the latest, naughtiest Rude Box. Plus they get the pride and satisfaction of knowing that they invented it.
P.S While COVID is still around, our RUDE BOXES are on sale at £10 so head over to our website and tell COVID to "SOD OFF".
